Poem: Made of Steel

Nerd Hazard
1 min readJun 16, 2024

Made of steel
built of solid substance
comfortable with the pain
head straight to the darkness first
catch the snake in its cave
dig out the demons from the cracks
with steady and carving reslience
leave no door closed
play the strings of your heart
& promiose yourself
Your own safety comes first
No abuser is allowed
No violator is allowed
No matter how soft their words
grand their promises
or extreme their threats
We will posture in the face of the wildest fire
We will cry a downstream of rivers
Embrace the pain for its our teacher
Embrace discomfort for that’s how we cross the river
with open arms we welcome your earth
we hug every piece of dirt
We let our sweat and blood flow back to your earth
honoring your might
No Ceasar, no kings, no dollars
no nothing
The only god we worship is the present moment
we leave all the lies so far behind
And pray in all the names of god that she keeps us so present
Be it pain, be it joy, be it hell be it heaven!
There is only one god we love
That god is not afar
That god is here and there
in you and me and is constantly being uncovered



Nerd Hazard

An Egyptian living in America experiencing mental, spiritual and cultural meltdowns